Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Here are two places to find e-books to use with your students. Mary C. made me aware of the one from the Saskatoon Public Library. Thank you!
Saskatoon Public Library Click on Specialized Services, then Kids Place, then Adult Stuff and scroll down til you see the e-books. The "Kids Infobits" is there as well.
Another site for kids who are ESL is this one: International Digital Library.
Also if you want to see my Delicious page it is on the right side of the blog under Links.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Switching to Digital Mode

I have decided to resurrect this blog to use as a place to communicate to staff things I have normally talked about at staff meetings.  So I invite anyone interested in doing so to respond to this blog with any questions or concerns.  This blog was originally created for an online class I took looking at how to integrate Web 2.0 tools into teaching.  In the older posts there are examples of ways to promote books using a variety of Web 2.0 tools plus some reflection on some of the topics we covered.  This is the link to the course I took called "Disruptive Innovators".  There is a wealth of information on many topics if you are interested in learning more!