Monday, September 24, 2007

A Diamond Willow Nominee

Click on this box to discover what Marty and Remi find sprayed on the vandalized shed behind their school.

The Mystery of the Grafitti Ghoul
by Marty Chan
Who is behind the graffiti found on school property? Join Marty in a fun-filled adventure as he tries along with his friends to solve the mystery of the graffiti ghoul.


Jane Glen said...

Wow- very cool job. How did you do that?

bookmarks said...

Actually I wanted the animated gif to come up directly on the blog but I couldn't seem to make it do that so I put it up as a blank you have to click on. I just used that site Image Generator. It's a link on the directions page. If anyone knows how to get an animated gif on please share the knowledge.

Donna DesRoches said...


I think in this case you would right click on the gif and 'save picture as' to your hard drive. Then you should be able to insert animated gif as you would any image. Did you try that?


bookmarks said...

Hi Donna,
I think I tried that but I tried so many things I'm not sure. I'll give it a try again but on a different post. I like how it is now an interactive bit so I'll leave that one as is for now. I did get another animated gif on a different post so maybe some work and some don't?

bookmarks said...

Hi again Donna,
I tried your suggestion but it still didn't work. It said something about using the link. I think it has something to do with the html code.
Now I don't have a clue how I got the blank onto my blog!